Monday, January 26, 2009

Drug Therapy and Mood Disorders or Baby Massage for Dummies

Drug Therapy and Mood Disorders

Author: Joan Esherick

Everyone experiences the "blues" now and then as well as times of joy and self-confidence. Most people even experience mood swings-times when they move quickly from feelings like joy to opposite feelings like sorrow. But what happens when normal moods become so extreme that a person can't think, feel, or act appropriately? What if a person is so "up" he does foolish, even dangerous, things? What if he's so "down" he can barely get out of bed?

The U.S. Surgeon General reports that, at any one time, between 10 and 15 percent of the adolescent population in the United States suffers from major depression. That's one in ten teens! According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 20 to 40 percent of those will develop bipolar disorder (manic depression) within five years.

Often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, mood disorders present major challenges, such as increased risk for illness, higher probability of social and interpersonal problems, and greater likelihood of substance abuse for those who suffer with them. Mood disorders, when left untreated, can even be fatal: seven percent of adolescents with major depressive disorder commit suicide.

What are mood disorders, and how can they be treated? Using numerous case studies and sidebars, and written in language that is easy to understand, Drug Therapy and Mood Disorders takes a comprehensive look at the causes and symptoms of mood disorders. In its pages, you will learn about the methods for diagnosis and treatment, specific drugs used to treat mood disorders, and alternative treatment strategies. Along the way, you will discover that mood disorders, though serious and challenging, are treatable, and help can be found.

Cathi I. White - Children's Literature

Everyone experiences certain "ups" and "downs" in life, but what if those times become more frequent until one can hardly function or act appropriately? What if the changes from joy to sorrow happen more often and to the extreme so that those moods affect how one acts toward others? It could be possible that a person in these situations may be suffering from a mood disorder. A mood disorder is a "condition rooted in the brain that causes disturbances in a way that a person thinks, feels, or acts, but especially affects the person's moods." This detailed, well-written and very comprehensive book explores the aspects of mood disorders in adolescents. The reader will learn about the history of mood disorders, how they are treated, the drugs available and how they can help, and also the possible risks and side effects from taking these drugs. Real case studies are given as examples to let the reader know that they are not the only one who may be going through what they are experiencing. Adolescents will know that there is help they can get from various sources such as those listed in the back of the book. This enlightening book is also jam packed with photographs, charts, and glossaries. This educational book, part of the "Psychiatric Disorders: Drugs and Psychology for the Mind and Body" series helps the reader to be well informed, in simple language, about mood disorders. 2004, Mason Crest Publishers, Ages 12 up.

Table of Contents:

Introduction     7
Foreword     9
Defining Mood Disorders     11
The History and Development of Mood Disorder Drugs     31
How Mood Disorder Drugs Work     47
Drug Treatments     67
Real People with Mood Disorders     83
Risks and Side Effects     99
Alternative and Supplementary Treatments     111
Further Reading     123
For More Information     124
Index     127

Interesting book: John Barleycorn or Measuring Health Related Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents

Baby Massage for Dummies

Author: Ilene Fox

Explains massage for preemies, newborns, and toddlers

Soothe your baby and promote well-being the all-natural way

Curious about baby massage? Featuring illustrations and step-by-step instructions, this friendly guide makes it easy to use techniques that can reduce your baby's stress; ease the discomfort of colic, constipation, and teething; and create a strong attachment between the two of you. You'll also find suggestions for making massage part of your everyday routine.

Discover how to:

• Ease common ailments

• Enhance your bond with your baby

• Stimulate growth and development

• Comfort a fussy baby

• Massage babies with special needs

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