Thursday, January 29, 2009

Adrenaline Junkies and Serotonin Seekers or Psoriasis

Adrenaline Junkies and Serotonin Seekers: Balance Your Brain Chemistry to Maximize Energy, Stamina, Mental Sharpness, and Emotional Well-Being

Author: Matt Church

This handy little book shows how easy it is to tap into the natural "drug store" in one's body - containing adrenaline, serotonin, cortisol, melatonin, and insulin - and activate internal feel-good chemistry. Adrenaline Junkies and Serotonin Seekers details the common chemical imbalances that can make people feel depressed, anxious, or exhausted. Charts and illustrations are combined with jargon-free text to explain the science behind body chemistry so people can easily identify their personal chemical profiles. The book offers specific programs to counter the imbalances. By applying proper sleep patterns, diet variations, exercise regimens, mental exercises, and stress controls for their specific chemical profile, readers will be able to gain control of their body and emotions and begin performing at their peak level every day.

Book about: Product Design and Manufacture or For Democracys Sake

Psoriasis: Everything You Need to Know

Author: Richard GB Langley

Helpful advice for relief of a chronic condition that affects millions.

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory, non-contagious skin disease. Characterized by itchy, thick and raised red areas of skin covered with silvery-white scales, psoriasis affects 1 in 50 adults. This affliction makes it one of the world's most common skin disorders. Appearing at any age, it can affect relationships, the ability to work and to enjoy leisure activities.

Psoriasis is a straightforward book about an all too common problem. The information is presented in clear, understandable terms for non-medical readers, covering:

  • Causes

  • Psychosocial effects

  • Diagnosis

  • Treatment options

  • Psoriatic arthritis

  • Psoriasis in children.

Psoriasis includes line drawings, case studies, a comprehensive resource list and a glossary.

Doody Review Services

Reviewer: Patricia Wong, MD(Stanford University Medical Center)
Description: This is a patient friendly guide about psoriasis. It answers in plain English the common questions patients ask about psoriasis: Am I contagious? Is it curable? Is it going to take over all of my skin? Will my children get psoriasis? The author has psoriasis and his personal sentiments reflect this understanding in educating and encouraging patients about caring for their psoriasis. There is a layman's medical dictionary that explains medical terms used in the book
Purpose: The purpose is to educate patients about their psoriasis. Medical personnel will find helpful explanations to use when discussing the topic with patients.
Audience: The audience is persons with psoriasis and family with relatives who have psoriasis.
Features: There are good descriptions of the various treatments for psoriasis as well as the pros and cons. Patient information on potential side effects to be alert for and when to notify the dermatologist about particular symptoms (and the importance of such) are helpful for the patient and aid the physician in treating the patient effectively and safely. A lot of the mystery of the different therapies is removed after reading the book.
Assessment: This is a good patient educational tool. Dermatologists should recommend this book to any patient with psoriasis. The information is accurate and easy to understand and will relieve a lot of patient anxiety about psoriasis. Have them read this book before they surf the web and scare themselves silly!

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