Cooking for Life: A Guide to Nutrition and Food Safety for the HIV-Positive Community
Author: Robert H Lehmann
One single factor can have life-or-death importance for someone with HIV: food. The right diet and nutrition can boost the immune system, and most important, maintain lean body mass. This groundbreaking, compassionate, and medically sound sourcebook is a food bible for the HIV community and their caregivers. Cooking for Life contains all the information you need about one of the safest, most effective, yet underutilized, weapons for staying well.
Publishers Weekly
Delivering soup-to-nuts nutritional education for those who have HIV or AIDS (and those who care for them), this no-nonsense guide offers substance rather than magic or promises of miracles. A comprehensive, comprehensible organization covers subjects ranging from food and water safety (food poisoning can be fatal to those who are immuno-suppressed) to how to gain weight and deal with nausea (ginger is a good bet). Lehman, a former executive chef of a food-delivery program for people with AIDS, consulted with physicians and nutritionists. In addition to the nutrition and food safety chapters, there is a section that explains cooking techniques and provides more than 35 easy-to-follow recipes to help combat wasting and loss of appetite. The book ends with several useful appendices in which one can find AIDS-specific meal programs, phone numbers for hotlines that provide help and referrals, a reprint of ACT UP's Standard of Care as a guideline for health management and a sample of a living will. Thought and care are evident throughout this volume, and it belongs, dog-eared and food-stained, in the kitchens and bookcases of people living with HIV or AIDS and those who care for them. (Jan.)
Library Journal
This work is much more than just a cookbook, as the title might suggest. It is a comprehensive guide to nutrition and food safety for HIV-positive people and their caregivers. The author, a longtime chef who began the nutrition program at the Metropolitan AIDS Neighborhood Nutrition Alliance (MANNA) in Philadelphia, has called upon the expertise of a team of advisers including a physician, a nurse who specializes in nutrition, and a registered dietitian. The result is a very thorough, solid, and practical guide, firmly grounded in sound nutritional principles. Included are sections on basic nutrition, safe food-handling practices, ways to deal with specific nutritional concerns of those living with HIV/AIDS, and, yes, recipes. Written in a friendly and accessible yet authoritative style, the book contains information helpful to everyone. Both informed readers and those working with HIV/AIDS patients will find it useful. Highly recommended.-Linda Gleason, Univ. of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey Lib., Newark
New interesting textbook: Vegetarian Gourmets Easy International Recipes or Simple Stunning Weddings
Diabetes mellitus
Author: Sue K Milchovich
Updated to report on important breakthroughs in diabetes research and armed with the latest information about diet and drugs, this guide focuses on the everyday concerns of diabetics, teaching them how to balance diet, medication, and exercise for optimal health. Filled with illustrations, charts, tables, and worksheets, this is a proven, user-friendly guide for living with diabetes.
Con información sobre los últimos adelantos de investigación sobre la diabetes e información sobre la dieta y las drogas, esta guía se concentra en los problemas diarios de los diabéticos, enseñando al lector como balancear la dieta, el medicamento y el ejercicio para lograr buena salud.
Table of Contents:
Reconocimientos viPrefacio vii
Acerca de las Autoras viii
Destrezas de Supervivencia ix
El Circulo del Buen Control de la Diabetes x
Diabetes Mellitus 1
Herencia 2
Virus y el Sistema Inmune 2
Nutricion y Obesidad 3
Tipos de Diabetes 4
Glucosa e Insulina 7
Hiperglucemia 13
Hipoglucemia 15
Inyeccion de Glucagon 21
Por Favor Lea Esta Historia 22
IDEAS-Entender Su Azucar en la Sangre 25
Rangos Ideales o Aceptables para el Azucar en la Sangre 28
La Dieta 29
Diabetes Tipo 1 31
Diabetes Tipo 2 y el Sobrepeso 31
El Horario 32
Cantidades de Alimentos/Calorias 33
Que Es un Peso Saludable? 34
Planificar las Comidas 37
Listas de Intercambio para la Planificacion de Comidas 42
Ejemplos de Planes de Comida 72
Alternativas para Endulzadores 78
Como Entender las Etiquetas de Alimentos 80
Alcohol 84
Consejos para Compras 85
Comer Fuera en Restaurantes 86
Grasa Saturada y Colesterol 95
Fibra en Su Dieta 98
Recursos para Planear las Comidas 103
Analisis Casero para Azucar en la Sangre 107
Cetonas y Cetoacidosis 115
Medicinas para Tratar La Diabetes 119
Medicinas Orales 120
Insulina 128
La Jeringuilla de la Insulina 133
Tecnica de Inyeccion 134
Analisis de Laboratorio 143
Azucar en la Sangre en Ayuno 143
Azucar en la Sangre Despues de Comer 143
Glicolhemoglobina o Hemoglobina Alc 144
Analisis de Tolerancia a la Glucosa Oral (ATG) 146
Ejercicio 147
Los Beneficios 147
Los Tipos 148
Las Partes de un Programa de Ejercicios 149
Que Tan Fuerte Ejercitarse 150
Cuan a Menudo Hacer Ejercicio 154
Cuando Hacer Ejercicio 154
Cuando No Hacer Ejercicio 155
Senales de Alerta para Dejar de Hacer el Ejercicio 155
Guias para Hacer Ejercicio 156
Fuentes de Informacion para Ejercicio 157
Dias de Enfermedad 159
La Higiene Personal 163
El Cuidado de la Piel 164
El Cuidado de los Pies 165
Identificacion Medica 167
El Estres 169
Emociones-Son Parte de Nosotros 173
Viajar con Diabetes 177
Recursos de Informacion Adicional Utiles 179
Complicaciones de la Diabetes 181
Enfermedades del Corazon y Vasos Sanguineos 182
Nervios 182
Los Ojos 183
Los Rinones 185
Los Dientes y Encias 186
Fumar 186
La Investigacion sobre la Diabetes 189
Organizaciones y Recursos 193
Direcciones de Paginas Web 195
Libros de Referencia 196
Television 197
Libros 197
Respuestas a la Prueba en Hiperglucemia e Hipoglucemia 201
Formularios para Planificar Comida 203
Bibliografia 207
Indice 211
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